About Kehillat Etz Chayim
Etz Chayim was formed in 2018 as a Modern Orthodox congregation serving Huntington Woods, Oak Park, and surrounding areas, that is guided by the rabbinic leadership of Rabbi Asher Lopatin. We look for opportunities for all congregants- men, women and children- to engage meaningfully in the shul services and with their Judaism.
Contact Information
If you would like to receive updates from the shul or weekly divrei Torah from Rav Asher, please email etzchayimdetroit@gmail.com with your contact information. You can also stay up-to-date on our Facebook page and website.
To contact the shul, please email etzchayimdetroit@gmail.com.
To contact Rabbi Lopatin, please email Rabbiasherlopatin@gmail.com.
To provide financial support to the shul, please see "Support" for mor e information.